Friday, June 21, 2013


Benefits Of Emerald Gemstone Panna:

According to Indian mythology, the name emerald was first translated from Sanskrit as “marakata,” meaning “the green of growing things.” The name as we know it now is believed to have come from an ancient Persian word, translated into Latin as “smaragdus,” and eventually over time, corrupted to “emerald”.

Emerald Found In.....

The best quality emerald is found in Colombia. This is known in the international market as Colombian Emerald. Fine emeralds are also found in other countries, e.g. Zambia, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and Russia. In the international market Zambian and Brazilian emerald is considered next to Colombian emerald in quality.
Excellent quality emerald crystals in beautiful deep green colour and with good transparency come from Zambia. Their colour is mostly darker than that of Colombian emerald.
It is a mineral - a compound of silicate of aluminum beryllium and oxygen. Its colour is light or deep green. This gemstone is very high priced for it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald.

Emerald Gemstone meaning.....

The emerald is the sacred stone of the planet Mercury. It is believed to be Prince in the Navrgaha portfolio. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom. The Spring is considered to be the most effective time for the powers of the emerald.
Lucky for love it is. So give your lover an emerald to make him /her stay faithful.
In several cultures the emerald was the symbol for producing rain. In the Christian faith it is the symbol of faith and hope.

Benefits of Emerald.....

Wearing emerald in combination with other stones enhances success in competitive exams, trade and business. It also helps in promotion and prosperity as it enhances intellect, memory, analytical and intellectual power. It helps those children who are having problems with brain, memory and speech related problems. It also helps to control and cure stammering, fear, amnesia, epilepsy, fickle mindedness, diarrhea, asthma, cardiac problems, insomnia etc

Professions which are benefited by wearing emerald stone.....

Writers, politicians, spiritual leaders, musicians, founders of educational institutions, public speakers, judges, government officers, architects, auditors, shippers, bankers and financiers will find wearing emerald very helpful in their field of activity. In business related areas, people who are commission agents, publishers and in textile field can benefit from emerald. This stone will help people who run travel agency and commission related business that requires no capital to start. Emerald is very helpful to those who are in the field of medicine, especially whose field is brain, eyes, ears, and general medicine and those associated with CT scan, MRI and with pediatrics. People who are in research field in IT sector, nuclear field, astronomy benefit from this stone.

Remedy through Emerald.....

Emerald is related to planet Mercury. This planet is related to intellect, speech, memory, short travel, wisdom and intuitive power. A person who has favorable Mercury will find emerald beneficial for him as a politician, orator, businessman, PR (Public Relation) for any organization.
However, a person whose Mercury is malefic will be liar, gambler, boastful, conceited, talkative, deceitful, unprincipled and inconsistent. A person with weak and malefic Mercury will face health problems like stammering, impediment of speech or tongue.
If Mercury is afflicted by malefic planets and placed in weak position in ascendant one is likely to face disputes, litigation, and loss through theft, loss due to fraud, cheating and forgery.

Astrological Benefits of Wearing Emerald.....

Emerald is a symbol of love and generosity. An Emerald gifted by your beloved will bring you good fortune. Emerald gives auspicious results to people whose birth-sign is Gemini and Virgo. It gives good health, wealth and happiness in life. It reduces the possibilities of snake-bite. If this gem is worn by a pregnant woman, she will not endure prolonged labor-pain. Emerald reduces mental stress and keeps blood circulation normal and regular. It develops tolerance and mental stability in the native.

An Anniversary Gemstone Emerald.....

Just as a particular gemstone is believed to represent the month that a person is born in, there is a gemstone for every year of married life as well. This is referred to as an anniversary gem stone. Anniversaries like the 20th, 35th and 55th are considered to be significant for Emerald and are celebrated worldwide.

Birth Stone Emerald.....

Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May.

Care & cleaning Emerald.....

Avoid sharp impacts on your emerald and protect it from shapes with exposed points, like a marquise, should be protected. Clean it with warm water, detergent, and a soft brush. Store it separately from other jewelry and gemstones. Never put emerald in ultrasonic or steam cleaners.

Methods of wearing Emerald.....

The weight of the gemstone should not be less than 2 carats.
Emerald may be set in gold or silver.
Emerald ring should be washed with fresh milk in the morning. After touching this ring to the feet of your family deity and reciting the mantra put on it the right little finger.

Mantra for Emerald.....

Priyangu-kalika Shyamam roopena-pratimam Budham!
Soumyam soumya guno-petam tam Budham pran-maamya-ham!!
One should pray to Mercury to bestow the best results and provide help in overcoming difficulties.
On the day emerald ring/pendant is put on one should donate money to a Brahmin and green vegetables with leaves should be fed to a cow.

Day for putting it on : Wednesday
Time for putting it on : Sunrise or during two hours following

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What is a Gem?

A gem is a mineral cut and polished for ornamental use. Gemstones are minerals, the fundamental building blocks of the earth. A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic chemical element or compound, with definite crystal structure and a composition that varies within defined limits.

Not all minerals are useful as gems. Since gems must be visually attractive, only minerals with ornamental qualities are suitable. This criterion reduces the total of about 2400 known mineral species to approximately 100 that have been cut into gemstones.

Some minerals of biological origin (organic) are also used as gems. These include amber, coral, pearl, shells, ivory and jet, a hard variety of coal. Organic gems lack the durability and hardness of many minerals, but have been highly valued because of their beauty and scarcity.

In the past the terms “precious” and “semi-precious” have been extensively used. These terms are used even today by the public and jewelry traders alike. The dictionary defines precious as “of great value or high price”; and semi-precious as “of less commercial value than precious”. In the past, the so-called precious stones were diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, pearl, and occasionally opal. Apart from that, all the other gems fell under the semi-precious category. This indicates clearly that this nomenclature is a marketing term, primarily based on value of gemstones. However it is worth noting that a poor diamond can be worth less than a very fine and rare variety of garnet; which has always been regarded as semi-precious.

A material, to be considered a gem, must have above all, properties pertaining to beauty, durability, and scarcity. Portability can also be a factor in some cases.

1) Hardness is a major factor. If a gem is too soft it will scratch easily, and if worn, its beauty would be rapidly lost due to abrasion. Some extremely soft minerals are cut for collectors and can be thought of as non-commercial gems. But their lack of durability makes it questionable if the term “gem” can be applied to them. Durability combines various characteristics into a general term that indicates how well a gem wears in daily use. Objects such as pearls are not too hard, but hold up well and retain their beauty for a long time and is used extensively in jewelry.

2) Rarity or Scarcity is another major factor in evaluating a gem, for much of a gem’s value comes from its scarcity. The material itself might be very uncommon. On the other hand, the rarity of a particular gem might be due to its large size compared to most other gems of the same material, or its extremely fine or unusual color.

3) Beauty is the most important criterion of all. It depends, of course, on the judgment of the observer and is thus almost totally subjective. But more significant is the fact that what is generally considered beautiful or desirable may change with time, and vary from one culture to another. The value of gems is thus intimately linked to fashion, and the vogue of the time. Transparency, clarity, color and optical properties and phenomenon in gemstones add to its beauty.

Transparency is the absence of “cloudiness” or “milkiness” that would scatter light entering a gem. Clarity, or freedom from flaws, largely determines value in the case of faceted gems. Since most minerals acquire internal imperfections or flaws as a normal part of the growth process, completely flawless or “clean” gems are extremely scarce in many mineral species. For example, in Colombian emerald and Burmese ruby such perfection is almost unknown. Even nearly flawless gems of such materials are in great demand and command a high price. In the case of quartz and topaz, on the other hand, large transparent and clean gems are frequently cut.

Color is of supreme importance in a gem. It can make the difference between NRs 1,000 and 100,000 per carat in some gemstones. The range of color to be found in the mineral kingdom is enormous, and there is great delicacy in the variation of color in a single mineral species. Some minerals occur in a wide range of colors, such as tourmaline, beryl, quartz, and spinel. In this case value is directly linked to the fashion of the times, meaning what color is considered “most desirable”.

Brilliance and dispersion affect gem value, especially in the case of colorless materials. Brilliance is the effect produced by the return of light from the gem to the eye, and is largely a function of proper cutting. Dispersion is the optical phenomenon that creates the color play in diamond.

4) Portability is a less obvious but very important aspect of gem value. Diamonds worth several million rupees can be easily carried in a purse or pocket. Only gemstones can offer this degree of high value in a small space.

Source: NEGJA

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Hessonite (Gomedh) Stone:

Hessonite Gemstone has great power to decrease the ill effects of planets and also help in treating several diseases. But the main thing is that should be kept in mind is one who should wear a correct stone that matches their zodiac signs for enjoying total benefits of these gemstones, These stones need to be carefully selected, so that one can get benefits from it. For achieving success, it is better to wear both hot and cold gemstones. The reason behind this combination is that it helps in maintain stability and eradicates health issues.
Astrological Benefits of Gomedh

Gomedh is known as one of the popular cold gemstones. Hessonite Gemstone is Cold Gemstone and its assists in curing illness caused by Saturn and Rahu. Combination of these gemstones also improves gastric issues, vitality and appetite. It bestows wealth, happiness and good health. Hessonite Gemstone is popular in producing prosperity. The most important thing to concern is that wearer should be kept in mind it must be wear it by consulting with an astrologer. Because the thing is behind that if it does not suit you, it can cause of restlessness and discomfort. The other benefits of Gomedh is it help in gaining victory on the enemies and also help in curing mental issues.
Who Should Wear Hessonite or Gomedh?

People who are in the profession of entertainment Industry or Media Like music, dance, cinema, film production, publishing newspapers, magazines, artists, etc. should wear Gomedh. Those who are involved in the trade of transport, printing, chemical factories, theaters, shops, grocery, clubs and any trade that attracts individuals should start wearing Gomedh. If you are involved in any type of show business, astrology, then it is better to wear a hessonite.

When should a Gomedh be worn Hessonite?
You should remember one thing before wearing hessonite Gemstone is that Hessonite should be worn only if it is necessary and Suggested by Astrologer. It should be worn in the middle finger in the right hand; it should be studded in silver. It is suggest by astrologers that one should wear Gomedh on Thursday in evening. The weight of the gemstone should be from 2 to 5 ratti.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). The red color is caused mainly by the presence of the element chromium. Its name comes from ruber, Latin for red. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. The ruby is considered one of the four precious stones, together with the sapphire, the emerald, and the diamond.


Yellow or white sapphire, also called pushparaj. The stone in its purest form should have eight qualities : it must feel heavy when placed on the palm of the hand, appear clean, pure, be free of spots, should be solid with no layer, have a yellow hue, feel xmooth to touch and its radiance must improve when rubbed on a testing stone. A pushparaj with blemishes like a blackish tinge, asymmetry, spot or a whitish-yellow coloring is regarded inaupicious and is not used in jewellery. 


Diseases cured by wearing blue sapphire (Neelam) 

  • Removes Psychological & nerve related problems.
  • Mad like actions, development of bigger pimples of similar, kidney issues, skin diseases, urine issues, many problems related to stomach are easily aided on wearing such.
  • Blood impurity and diseases caused from that are eased.
  • All problems related to skin.
  • Malaria disease curing.
  • Couph, severe fever like diseases cured.
  • Works astonishingly good for unknown diseases.
  • Cures many issues related to stomach.


A pearl is a hard object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusc. Just like the shell of a clam, a pearl is made up of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers. The ideal pearl is perfectly round and smooth, but many other shapes of pearls (baroque pearls) occur. The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable.